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At CXera, we understand that taking a holistic approach to customer experience and sales enablement can be daunting, especially if you’re just getting started. That’s why we’re offering a CX maturity assessment that will examine opportunities for sales and customer enablement across your organization.

What is the CX Digital Maturity Model?

The CX Digital Maturity Model provides a framework to help you deliver on the four key factors of customer success: People, Process, Content and Technology.

We use a 4-level approach to determine where your organization currently falls on digital customer experience performance. Our assessment can help you develop a repeatable plan for customer success and move up your level of CX maturity.

Each CXera maturity assessment:

  • Gauges the maturity of your current CX performance
  • Show how to track NPS and revenue trends throughout digital journey
  • Helps you identify and discuss issues with cross-functional teams in your organization
  • Maps the sales process to the buyer process
  • Takes an inventory of your current CX content and tools